Author: Michael Strelcheck
So much of our culture and lifestyle is filled with the pulse and expressive beat of a deeply caring heart. Heartwarming, heartfelt, heart-centered, heartache, heartless, heartbroken; our language is laced with metaphoric references to the importance of this life-giving organ. This fact has been demonstrated time and time again by the selfless response of the United States to world crisis and need. Yet, in spite of this quality, we also see Americans struggle with finding compassion within their own individual lives, often choosing self-serving actions over a common good. This contradiction in behavior reveals a paradox that faces all human hearts.
According to the Ageless Wisdom teachings, the human being has two levels of heart, which is the reason for the seeming paradox each of us faces. The first level of heart, which is self-oriented, expresses an individual’s personal needs. The second level is broader, expressing the collective need of the human race in its totality.
The individual heart reflects one’s personal path of experience, their
triumphs and failures as well as their hopes and dreams.
The collective heart, often referred to as the “greater heart”, relates to the
group or the collective humanity each person belongs to.
The Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul provides this interesting information in his instructions to students about a human’s evolving heart center at this time of the New Age.
“Our immediate concern is bringing about a group unity rooted in love, and this requires the awakening of the heart center into greater potency. Only from the greater heart center can stream, in reality, those lines of energy which link and bind together.
This revelation may come as a surprise; for most of us think that our personal heart is capable of loving in both ways. . . the love-of-self, as well as the love-of-everything! But, it seems there is more to know.
According to the Tibetan’s teachings, one’s personal love is expressed, via the heart, by the solar plexus center (the center of individual power). This isolates a person’s feelings to themselves only. But, as the intellect of the human mind develops, it comes to express, via the heart, the broader concept of a collective love. And this new expression begins to activate the higher qualities of the heart center. Consequently, as humans have evolved, a conflict has appeared within the heart of humanity! We know that condition today as a “disconnect” between head and heart.
The division between heart and mind causes a person to be torn between thinking and feeling. Long have humans been pitted between the ideal of doing the right thing versus doing what feels right, for they often don’t agree. That conflict has been forcing humans to choose between their two heartfelt perspectives; usually following what seems personally right for them. And this disconnects them. But, upon the advent of the New Age of Aquarius, the greater human heart is becoming more empowered, and as a result, its feelings of oneness cannot be suppressed anymore – they’ve become too strong. This condition has driven humanity to the brink – to a point where a decision must be made.
Now, at this time, humans are faced with a moment of truth wherein a choice must be made. This choice has long been predicted; often referred to as the coming “Judgment Day”. Symbolically speaking, this suggests the need for individuals to consciously decide which path of the heart they wish to follow.
The Teachings suggest that “Judgment Day” isn’t based on a personal judgment of oneself, but rather refers to humanity in general and that the choice is really a collective one. This choice is based on what a person wants going forward; either to continue to focus their heart on their “individual good” or to willingly expand their heart’s perspective to focus on a “common good” for all.
If enough humans choose to follow the impulse of their higher heart, humanity will enter into the New Age, thereby establishing a collective “betterment” for all moving forward. If not, then humanity must continue the life of individual isolation and sense of separateness.
Calling on the Greater Heart
The good news is that one can consciously and dynamically confront this choice! When a caring person comes to understand this situation intelligently, then the “right” choice seems pretty obvious. But when the question is put before one’s personality-self, the choice isn’t as simple or obvious. In order to garner help, we can call upon our greater heart and its strength.
The greater heart expression can be recognized by feelings of inspiration. Hence, when we experience a sense of being uplifted, or a feeling of our heart “taking wing”, we can find the strength of will to make the greater choice. And that choice is to let go of our self-centered perspective and choose to align with the growing collective heart of humanity.
It’s important to note that if one chooses the path of the collective good, one’s own personality will also be served because it too is a part of the collective. That collective is actually the “group of souls” which makes up humanity. So there really isn’t any personal sacrifice required to step up to the greater heart. In fact, the choice opens a person’s heart to the uplifting sensation of divine love. And this divine love can only be experienced by a group.
We can do this, when feeling inspired, by consciously declaring in our minds: “I choose to help make the world better!” Yes, it really is that simple. A thought like this aligns our greater heart with the collective soul of humanity. And this can be reinforced again and again by repeating this mantra (or one like it), any time we feel inspired. This will also help to inspire others, intuitively, to step up and join in.
Isn’t it worth a try?