The Magical Process of Mental Creation
for A Better World
Magic. What if you could learn how to do magic?
What, you say. . . magic? What do you mean by that? What is magic?
First reactions to the idea probably include images of a wizard in flowing robes wielding a magic wand and reciting a magic spell. Dictionaries define magic using references to supernatural powers, rites and rituals, incantations, and the like. Entertainers call it magic when they use the art of performing mysterious tricks and illusions. All of these are loosely based on an understanding of magic, but do any reflect its true nature?
We all love the idea of magic. It touches something deep within us that we somehow know is there, but we don’t know what it is or how to define it. We don’t really understand it, and we certainly don’t know how to access it, or put it to work to improve our lives and our world.
What if it is possible to change that? To learn more about what magic is? And learn how to put it to work in our lives?
This is the very thing we propose with this program; to explore the mysteries of “The Magical Process of Mental Creation”.
We are a group of energy workers, experienced with this process. It is a proven technique we use as part of the new Aquarian system of manifestation, based on the Ageless Wisdom* teachings of the past. We believe that every person on this planet has the right to this knowledge and information because it can help us all in creating a better world.
In the seven sections (steps) of this program, we offer an overview of the fundamental principles of these teachings, updated and clarified. We invite you to explore and consider these ideas. You are free to accept the material, or not, as you see fit. If you find it resonating in any way, we encourage you to keep going and keep exploring. If you stick with it, you may be prompted to look at and try new things, in different ways. And this could lead you to a new place of self-discovery and self-empowerment.
Human Thought Creates!
In order to understand the magical process, we need to kick things off with one of its key underlying principles, which is “energy follows thought”. What does that mean?
In modern society, we are becoming more and more aware of the idea of ENERGY as the basis of everything. Science has greatly advanced our understanding of the relationship between energy and matter. It is now to the point where we’re able to see the connection between conscious thought and material manifestation.
If we think of everything that exists as being part of an energetic flow, then we can think of our thoughts as being the directors of this energetic flow, not unlike the role of a director on a movie set. With our thoughts, we instruct the energy where to go and how to express itself. This is the essential idea behind the phrase “energy follows thought”.
In more simple terms, this means that nothing happens out there in the world until someone thinks it into being. In other words, our thoughts create! Although there is more to it, which we’ll get into later, this idea is the very foundation of what true magic is. Human thought is a creative force! Human thought creates!
The Human That You Are
To continue building our understanding of mental creation, we also need to look at what we’re going to be working with to perform the process. . . the human instrument. We actually have three fundamental parts, or levels, to our nature.
Have you ever heard the phrase “Me, Myself, and I”? There is more truth to this idea than we may realize.
The “Me” in this analogy is what we call the “outer self”. It corresponds to our outer awareness and the way we interact with others and the environment. It also corresponds to the way we receive information through our body and its five senses, and the way we react instinctively to physical stimuli, such as an external threat, the need to eat, sleep, etc. It is what we know as our instinctive awareness, or Personality.
The “Myself” in this analogy is what we call the “inner self”. It corresponds to our inner awareness; our inner world of thoughts and emotions. It is where we process all kinds of incoming data, where we do our thinking, and where we make our choices. It is what we know as our self-awareness, or Thinker.
The “I” in this analogy is what we call the “upper self”. This part of our nature lives on a slightly higher level than our Thinker self, and may seem just beyond our grasp. But it is always with us in the form of that “better angel on our shoulder”, our conscience. The beloved Disney character Jiminy Cricket offered us a nugget of true wisdom when he said “Let your conscience be your guide.” What he speaks of is really the upper self, offering us its quiet, but solid, guidance. This is how the upper self begins to communicate to us. If we would only listen, right? We try to (sometimes), but we don’t necessarily accept or trust the idea that there is really something there, to inform us and support us. Yet there is. We can think of it as being like a warm light above us, this upper self, which can be accessed simply by turning to look up to it. It is what we know as our spiritual awareness, or Soul.
So, again, we have our “outer self” (Me), our “inner self” (Myself) and our “upper self” (I). Each of these levels of “self” exists on a slightly different dimension going up in vibration. Each of these “selves” is of equal importance, and all are needed to work together for the fullest expression of Life.
The trouble is that we humans are dealing mostly with the two lower levels of ourselves (the “Me” and “Myself”), not realizing there is an upper level (the “I”). We have moments of higher connection at times, but they are fleeting and inconsistent. Yet there is a pathway, shared in this program, that can be learned and followed to increase this connection, so that it is more available in our daily lives. And this can make all the difference. It can make all kinds of things possible that were not possible before. It can bring hope and encouragement to every human, and a new power and purpose to our lives.
We realize these may be new concepts to grasp. We’ll keep coming back to them and enlarging on them as we move along.
Let’s go on.
The Qualities of Each Self
We’ve talked about how we have three different parts to ourselves, and how each of these exists on a slightly different dimension or level, going up in vibration. (More on this in Step 2) At this point, we’d like to emphasize that each of these levels has a different quality to its expression in life. We offer the following analogy, which may help to illustrate what we’re talking about.
We all love to go to the movies. . . to sit in the darkened theater with our popcorn while before our eyes on the big screen a story is told that is larger than life. We love the sights and sounds and special effects; especially for our favorite superheroes, wizards, and Jedi Knights. What we see on the screen is the outer effect, or the “outer self” (the Personality) of the movie.
What we don’t see on the screen are the inner workings; the “inner self” (the Thinker) of the movie. This includes everything that went into making it. . . the dialogue, the costumes, the set designs, etc. It involves all the choices made behind the scenes to bring the movie to life, and create the whole of the experience for us to enjoy.
What starts it all, from the very beginning? Where does this movie come from?
It came from someone’s IMAGINATION. One day, someone in the world originated the idea for the movie in their mind. They conceived it, developed it, and evolved it into a finished storyline using their imagination. Again, this is one of those things we tend to take for granted, not really thinking much about. In reality, this storyteller was accessing their “upper self” (the Soul) as they used their imagination to create. Imagination is not a natural function of the brain, but rather a quality of spiritual awareness, coming from the Soul!
IMAGINATION, our Gateway to Soul
The first magical potential we have is that of the imagination. We know it well already, and use it all the time. Imagination is the magic that brought the movie above into existence. It can be thought of as a “super-natural” quality, which is not limited to this time and space. We use our imagination to envision the future; to see the future; so that we can then create it. It is our first superpower.
Have you been caught daydreaming in school, lost in a cherished fantasy? Are these fantasies mere wishes or is there potentially more substance to them? Have you ever imagined something happening, and then it did? Have you ever envisioned something only to see your idea show up somewhere in life?
Elite athletes routinely use visualization and imaging techniques as part of their training. Several famous Olympians are known for rehearsing their performance in their minds before competing; they repeatedly imagine what they want to achieve in order to create it and attract it. This kind of technique is well known and used by many who seek to excel in their field.
Let’s try a simple exercise here to get a better sense of this using the theory of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming). NLP suggests that when people look up and to their right, they are activating their “visual construct” or imagination. When looking up and to their left, they are looking to their memory.
We invite you to take a moment right now to close your eyes and look up to your right, to your imagination. Imagine reaching out to help somebody. Do you see anything? Do you sense anything? Is this just imagination, or could it be something more?
Imagination is actually our pathway to connect the inner self (Thinker) with the upper self (Soul). It is our link to that greater source of creative power. This is where the magic comes from. It is a quality we already have within us. In fact, it is because we have an imagination, we know that we have a Soul!
The Soul That We Are
Now that we have a basic understanding of the three parts of ourselves (the outer, inner, and upper), we can move on to discuss how they work together in the Magical Process of Mental Creation.
Indeed, these three selves need to be coordinated in a certain way so they are all working together. This is what is required to make the magic happen. We can think of this process as moving into correct ALIGNMENT.
We propose that the first step in this process of Alignment is to connect with our individual Soul. The idea of having a Soul is not at all new, but what does it really mean?
As we discussed earlier, there is more to us human beings living on this planet than we can physically see, hear, or touch. Sometimes we can sense this “Presence”, but we don’t know how to define or interpret what it is.
As we have also discussed, as we rise through each level of our three selves, we go up in vibration to a slightly higher dimension. As we reach to the upper self (Soul), we begin to access a level of “Higher Intelligence”. This is where the power is. Our goal is to reach up to it and bring it back down to help us. In order to do that, the three parts of our nature need to be lined up correctly so that the energy from this higher source can flow through.
Our Higher Intelligence would like to share the power of its Higher Will with us because it can see how much we could use it to help ourselves and our world. However, without coordinating the three parts of ourselves, getting into alignment first, our Higher Intelligence is not able to reach us.
To get a better sense of all this, we invite you to do a little thought journey using your imagination. Think of yourself jumping onto a sunbeam and riding it up to a bright ball of light in the sky high above your head. From that high point, looking down at the surface of the earth, you see a beautiful meadow with a tranquil pond, its surface as smooth as glass. As you gaze upon it, something appears on the surface of the water. . . a reflection. This reflection looks just like your face. It is your face! This is who you are on the earth! It is your physical form, your human personality; also called your reflection. You would very much like to communicate with it, guide it and help it, because you can see that it is hurting. From your vantage point up high, you can see so much more than it can from its limited view below. But how can you help it? How can you reach it?
Down on the surface, you, as your human self, can sense that there is something up there in the sky, but cannot define what it is. It feels beyond your reach. You would dearly love some help and sometimes long for it greatly because it can feel so lonely and limited down here. But how can you connect with whatever is up there? How can you reach it?
This is where Soul comes in. Soul is an energetic field or channel which connects the two, the higher and the lower, and enables them to relate. Soul provides a kind of connecting interface that makes it possible for the consciousness of the Higher Intelligence to flow to its reflection, the human personality. This interface has often been called “the rainbow bridge”.
We all have this Soul interface already in place, but it is just not very well developed. Once we begin to understand what it is, we can begin to connect with it intentionally. As we do that, our relationship with it naturally begins to grow.
Just as with any long-term relationship, the connection starts simply. We feel something “click” when we first make contact with another. We have an interest in feeling that connection again, so we come back for more. And more again. Gradually, over time, we begin to feel a stronger and deeper connection with the other party. The flow between us becomes more fluid, and our understanding of each other expands and broadens. All the while, there have been three parts involved. . . ourself, the other party, and a third part, the relationship. The relationship is actually the energy of Soul. Soul can be thought of as the relationship, the bridge that connects, and the bond that holds everything together.
We see this also in the world around us, in what we call “Mother Nature”. We sense that there is something in nature that holds it all together and connects all the forms on the planet in some inter-related way. It can be thought of as the same kind of connecting interface we’ve been talking about. . . that of Soul. Only this time, it is one over-arching planetary Soul. This planetary Soul has been called Mother Nature, the Goddess Gaia, as well as other names. Earthly forms in the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms, as well as humans, are all part of this larger ensouling planetary Being, or Planetary Soul. Humans are unique in that we also have an individual Soul as well as our earthly Soul. And, there is a reason for that.
Our first step in this process is to connect with the energy of our individual Soul. When we do that, it automatically brings us into ALIGNMENT with our Higher Intelligence as well. So, the next question is. . . how do we do that? How do we connect with our Soul?
We like to think of spiritual moments coming to us out of the blue, lifting us up to a higher place where we will henceforth dwell in happy bliss. But spiritual connection is something we ourselves can pursue. In fact, rather than waiting for It to come to you, Spirit may very well be waiting for you to come to It!
Developing spiritual connection is like developing any new skill. There are steps or “journeys” in the learning process, and there is a science behind the way they flow. As we follow the process, results come with time and practice. All we need to get started is to be willing. . . willing to give it a try, and open up to our inner senses. For it is only through a feeling sense that we will know when we have connected. It is a subtle thing, so we must feel for it. Otherwise, we can easily miss it.
What does it mean to feel with your mind? Can the mind actually FEEL?
Why not try it for yourself? In your mind’s eye, see a straight line moving across your inner vision from one side to the other. Feel that. Now make that line into a curve; feel that. Then make it a right angle; feel that. Try to describe what these three feel like to you. It may be that the straight line feels driven, the curve is softer, and the right angle is sharp. Clearly these are more subtle feelings than the physical or emotional. A thought journey is not so emotional, not so intense. It is more about the subtle senses, perceived in the mind.
The series of steps or journeys laid out in this program are designed to help us experience an awareness of these senses so that we will know when we have connected to our Soul. This connection (ALIGNMENT) starts us on our way in the Magical Process. As we practice these steps, we get better at them. We learn what works and what doesn’t. We come to understand what we’re doing, and we gradually gain confidence. Eventually we get the hang of it, and it starts to flow quite well.
The one great thing about developing this skill of mental creation. . . it is truly an equal opportunity for all! Every human has a Me, Myself, and I. Learning to identify and direct them is the path to using the Magical Process of Mental Creation. Anyone can learn to do it. Each and every human can become a Master at it. In fact, it is our birthright to do so!!!
Our next step in the Magical Process of Mental Creation is to engage in an activity that enables our personality to get a sense of what we’ve been talking about, by experiencing it.
In this activity, we will use our mind, and our physical instrument, our body, to perform a step-by-step process. The goal of this process will be to connect with our Soul. Our body is crucial to the magical process because we use it to move energy. One could even think of the body as being like a big “magic wand”.
To activate our body, we use a ritual. Now, we may think that rituals are stodgy, old religious rites, but in reality, every kingdom in nature is organized into ritualistic experience and cycles. Every ant hill and every beehive are full of ritual practice. Every tree and plant, likewise, conforms to ritual activities. Humans are no different in their drives. We have a morning ritual such as brushing our teeth and combing our hair or having that morning cup of coffee. These rituals punctuate our lives in events like graduations, weddings, funerals, and the like.
Activity is deeply integrated into our lives because it is through our experience that we learn. In our lives, we know and remember best what we have physically experienced. For example, we can’t really know how to swim by studying about it. Only when we’ve actually gotten in the water and felt it move around our arms and legs, can we really know what it’s like to swim.
With this in mind, we invite you to participate in the following activity, with the goal of connecting to your Soul. This ritual employs all our senses, to give us a total experience of Soul, so that it can be sensed and felt with the body, as well as understood with the mind. As we are experiencing these sensations, we are becoming Self-conscious.