There are few things in life that are more bitter than feeling victimized by another.
Being victimized can lead to feelings of betrayal, loss, anger, hatred, and even
vengeance. But these negative emotions only create additional turmoil, leaving
one in a dark state of discomfort and anxiety. They can block feelings of joy and
happiness, and can create actual physical suffering and if left to fester, can even
possibly cause disease. But what if you had the key to letting go of these
powerfully negative feelings?
. . . is a Start to Better Human Relating. If we truly want peace in our hearts and peace on this planet, we must end the trauma of rape for humanity. Rape is a weird, creepy issue that makes us uncomfortable. If we can confront this problem, we can start fixing it …
Today I want to discuss the concept of personal violation. It’s an important topic because I believe feelings of violation are at the core of our unhappiness and a key motivating factor of aggression in our society. We have to ask ourselves, why, as human beings, do we have to fight so hard for our personal rights, for respect, for boundaries …
With all the attention focused on the issue of bullying in recent times, I feel compelled to come clean. You see, I was a bully. My time as a bully was short-lived and early in my life, but I still have some vivid memories. I am moved to reflect on lessons learned and, hopefully, wisdom gained.
Author: Michael Strelcheck “Recognizing The Emotions Of Being Abused” The aftermath of an incident of abuse is often physically apparent to the victim, but what is not so obvious is the emotional damage. Modern psychology has long struggled with trying to understand what unexpected trauma does to the human psyche. In recent years there has …
It’s a difficult thing to understand why a person would hurt or abuse the ones they love. I know from experience, being physically disciplined as a young child, that being victimized by a loved one (my father) is an emotionally traumatic experience. Although I felt that my father loved me, I couldn’t understand what I saw (and felt) in his angry behaviors …