Who am I, what is my inner child, who is my inner dragon, and what is the cave within? Some occurrences have happened for me to ask these questions and many people who are on the quest to know themselves also ask these questions at some point …
Now, at this time, humans are faced with a moment of truth wherein a choice must be made. This choice has long been predicted; often referred to as the coming “Judgment Day”. Symbolically speaking, this suggests the need for individuals to consciously decide which path of the heart they wish to follow …
As we approach the end of this year, the holiday season, and the beginning of a new year, what I plan to do is to take some time to shift gears into a quieter, more peaceful space. Take some time to reflect on things, and to remember that there is more going on here than just what we see in the outer world …
In Chinese Medicine, the heart is called the sea of tranquility. They also say that the only job of the heart is to be an open vessel for Spirit. They say that the Shen (Spirit) birds won’t come home to roost in the heart unless it is peaceful …
Have you ever said or thought: “There’s a part of me that wants to do this and there’s another part of me that doesn’t.”? This is a more frequent thought than I’d like to admit to . . .
I used to think surrender was the same as quitting, as giving up. I have come to see things differently. We raise our hands in surrender, a gesture of supplication, as we humbly ask for help. There is an element of elevation in it; we must lift up to hand over. In surrendering we do not change our intention or our principles. We do not change who we are or what we believe in. We only realize we have reached our limits in the moment. We have done all we can for now (…)
Author: Mary Summerbell Every year, as part of our earnest self-improvement efforts, many of us set goals to better our lives. We welcome the new year with the time honored tradition of New Year’s resolutions, or we set new goals as the season’s change. Whatever our motivation, we look to ourselves and our lifestyles to …