By Kathleen Leppek and Mary Pat Hank
This is a short story of a conversation between a pilgrim, one who journeys to a foreign land in search of something spiritually significant, and a builder, one who is building new pathways to a better world that others can travel also.
Builder: “Can I help you with something?”
Pilgrim: “I think I might be lost. I have this urge for something better, but I don’t know where to look…The world seems so confusing.”
Builder: “I found in myself, that when I thought about what felt real to me, it was also what motivated me and inspired me forward.”
Pilgrim: “It feels real to me to live in peace and honor the divine life in all things…to bring the world in harmony for all…Why isn’t this an inclusive world where there is fairness, equality, justice and harmony for all living things? Why can’t we get it together in respect and equity for each other?”
Builder: “Now, that’s a good thought to ponder… It’s up to us humans to think things out and make a better world for all humanity and all living things here on planet Earth. We’ve been gifted with the power of thought and we need to put our plans in order to make an inclusive world and be a steward to a better life for all.”
Pilgrim: “It seems we have everything before us, but we haven’t put it together for the betterment and balance for all. I hope we can find the middle ground between the lofty tomorrow I would like to see and the extremes in society today.”
Builder: “We can. Our willingness to care and share our best while recognizing the power of love will build a better future….through our conscious awareness.”
Pilgrim: What about making practical common-sense changes for our physical world such as the environment and climate change, energy usage, distribution of clean food and water. We need science to lead new solutions. Why haven’t we found a solution to all our plastic waste or have we and it’s been hidden by corporate interests like other solutions?
Pilgrim: “What about the emotional challenges in life…such as, others that want everything for themselves, or that humanity carries huge amounts of anger, grief, rejection and grievances. Humanity carries fear that slows down progressive change of betterment. Many want pay back or to be saved.”
Builder: “We all have different experiences, belief systems, likes and dislikes. But, if we all came from our heart and did our best, the world would change for the better. Life is about experience and choice. Humans were also gifted with the freedom of choice. Sometimes we don’t make the choice another would, but we make the choice that is right for us to learn…to make more constructive choices. We can get to constructive choices quicker if we slow things down in our mind and think through the consequences of our choice and to feel with our heart. Our heart is our inner compass guiding us on our way. Not our emotions.”
Pilgrim: “I’m seeking understanding. Understanding of experience allows me to let go of my hurt and my pain and my grievances. It allows me to find acceptance and the jewel of what is real. Understanding leads me to make sense of life, it leads me to better choices, it leads me to courage – courage of the heart and confidence that I can do it. I can make better choices and I can find acceptance of the process. I can let go of the weight of my past and keep the wisdom gained through understanding my experiences.”
Builder: “There you go. Your intent for understanding will lead you forward along with adapting to the new. There are many paths forward that bring purpose, betterment and beauty in life. See that golden path over there.
- That path is for those who choose Healthy Relating – It’s better when one can connect constructively with others.
- That path is for those inspired by Inclusiveness – It’s better when all are accepted and included.
- That path is for those that aspire to Freedom – We can have new ideas and let go of old ideals that are too limiting. Values are fluid so we can grow, explore, and rise up to do better. Freedom here we come!
- That path there is for creativity. This path empowers creative thinking, imagination and higher inspiration.
- This is the path of Peace. This is the path that inspires me. Peace is an internal quality- a state of mind that brings tranquility and calm to your energy system. You can feel this in your heart when you take deep breaths and others around you can feel it too! When you are at peace you make better choices. You can choose justice, equity and respect for human rights and the earth. Imagine a world where individuals listen to each other’s perspectives’ and settle conflicts rationally- where people are kind and respectful to all beings. As Mother Teresa said, “Peace begins with a smile.”
Pilgrim: “Wow, that’s beautiful. I think I get it. There are thousands of ways forward and we can choose something that is meaningful to us and at the same time it helps the world.”
Builder: “We get to choose how we participate. We get to choose how we share. Build your intent and purpose constructively. Share it. Put it in action. When we all work together, we will live in a better world. It’s like gears driving gears. See it in your mind. Spread the word. It’s time to get on board. Choose your’ aspiration. There’s no time to waste.”
Pilgrim: “I feel better. I’m not lost. I have a purpose! Thank you. I feel so much gratitude pouring from my heart. I’m on my way. I can contribute! My heart is guiding me forward! I wish for all to participate in making a better world.”
The Pilgrim and Builder begin their journey of walking their chosen path contributing to betterment.