The Magical Process of Mental Creation
for A Better World
Welcome! We thank you for considering experimenting with Step Two of our project. Each person will experience it differently, and that’s fine, as we are all unique individuals.
The following rituals include physical and visualization activities that you can perform. We share what we have done and what worked for us, however, the ritual can be adapted to your liking. The ritual is meant to enhance your thought and intensify your vision of what you want to manifest. Your focused purpose and your intention creates your experience. What do you want to manifest?
The old way of doing ritual was by submission to a greater power, or perceived higher power, in order to create. In the New Age rituals, that same greater power helps us to create what we want.
Magic is in the mind and what one thinks. That is the basis of magic (ritual) in the New Age, which helps us to manifest faster. In fact, doing a ritual everyday increases and enhances your thought power and magic.
The following can be done at your own pace. We suggest that you digest or process your thoughts and experience after each ritual, maybe even take notes.
Doing the following rituals in the sequence given may work best in your manifesting process. You can always repeat a ritual if you like, or feel free to change the repeated ritual also.
Step One, ALIGNMENT WITH SOUL, was designed for you to realize that you are the Soul, that your Soul expresses through your nervous system, and communicates to you through your feelings.
In Step Two’s JOURNEY TO HEAVEN, our purpose is to reach up to the Higher Planes, or what we call Heaven, via our Soul, to meet and connect with the *Monad. Through your experience of sensing Soul connection, this meeting becomes possible. Your Soul is your bridge to the Monad!
This ritual can be done individually or with a group, and your power of imagination in this process is key to the experience. You create it through the choices you make.
When you see a word underlined with an asterisk symbol (*) before it, refer to the glossary.
We invite you to be and dress however you imagine yourself, a super hero, a wizard, or ?
The idea is to be who you wish to be.
Please review the background information that we provided in Step One, as that too has pertinent information for this ritual.
We suggest the following items for your Sacred Space prior to the start of the ritual
A wand pointing inward.
A vibrant colored scarf.
A singing bowl, chime, or bells.
A candle in the center, along with something to light it with.
For this ritual, we recommend that you use these selections the first time you perform this ritual, as we have paired the music with the different parts to create a specific energy.
Part Five play – “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” by Israel Kamakawiwo’ole (Izzy)
Part Six play – “I Am Light” by India Arie
Trust the Process
The magical process is enhanced by following this creative exercise in order, finishing each part before proceeding to the next.
Twenty to thirty minutes is usually plenty of time to complete the Ritual. To get the full impact, we ask that you mute your phones and avoid any distractions. Please have a paper copy of each part available for every participant.
If you wish to sit, place a chair outside the circle with your feet inside it. It’s okay to modify any movements as you need.
Lets begin with setting the space
Cross your arms over your chest with your hands placed on opposite shoulders. Slowly walk clockwise 3 times completely around the outer edge of the circle.
Intone three Oms.
Light the candle.
Together we say with conviction: “We call down the Angels from above, to set up a sacred column of light, connecting heaven and earth, to provide passage for our journey upward.”
These Angels, part of the Angelic Kingdom, have been called upon in ancient Hermetic traditions, and using their names invites them to participate in the magical process. They work to connect heaven and earth for humanity. The pronunciations are listed in the glossary, however there is no need to worry about exact pronunciation…it works anyway.
Together repeat the following 3 times, pausing between each stanza.
“*Chequetet, *Arelich, *Vomalities come
Then guard us all from darkness
Free in light to roam
*Laumilgan let all this be free.”
Take a few moments and use your inner vision to see the column of light that the Angels have created for you.
This is where you connect with the Spiritual Triad*, which consists of the Divine Consciousness/Monad*; the Sun/Great Solar Angel*; and Earth’s consciousness/Sanat Kumara*.
We connect with them by saying the following statement out loud :
“We call upon the Monad, the Great Solar Angel, and Sanat Kumara to join us.”
Take a few moments to visualize yourself within the channel of light.
In your mind, create a magical means to travel through the dimensions to meet the Monad. Your magical means may be a super hero suit, a flying vehicle, or whatever you imagine it to be.
(Take a moment to consider this)
What does it feel like now that you are prepared and ready to travel through the higher dimensions?
Use the following breathing technique to lift you within your “magical means” on your journey upwards.
Visualize breathing pure white light into your lungs.
Holding your breath, send the light to your physical body.
Breathing out, release any discomfort your body may be feeling.
On your second deep breath in, send the light to your emotional body.
Breathing out, release any fears.
On your third deep breath in, send the light to your mental body.
Breathing out, release any doubts.
With each release, let yourself feel lighter. The heavy downward pull of earth is fading away. The heaviness leaves your body as you move upward on your journey through the dimensions.
Pick up your singing bowl, chime or bell, strike it once, and return it. To move the energy, pull it in an upwards motion with your hands, in one continuous stroke from your feet to above your head, ending with your palms together. This symbolizes breaking through to the next dimension, the *Void.
The Void – 4th Dimension – You continue traveling up the channel of light. Within the safety of your Soul’s energy, you pass into and through the 4th dimension. Outside your channel of light lies utter stillness and the mysterious Void of Space.
In this quiet space, sense what the supposed “nothingness” of the Void feels like. What do you feel? Alone? Do you sense the ever present love of your Soul? Or?
(Pause to consider)
Close your eyes and notice your thoughts…let them flow freely through you. Take a minute or so noticing them, then send them on their way. This is a great time to go within, focusing on your Soul connection.
With each breath you take, know and sense yourself gliding upward. Your breath is propelling you. As you notice this, you feel compelled to take a long deep breath in. Hold it. Exhale out with an audible WHOOSH.
Visualize looking up to see the next dimension above you.
Pick up your singing bowl, chime or bell, strike it once, and return it. To move the energy, pull it in an upwards motion with your hands, in one continuous stroke from your feet to above your head, ending with your palms together. This symbolizes breaking through to the next dimension, the Spiritual Plane.
The Spiritual Plane – 5th Dimension – You’ve left behind the mysterious Void, and are now crossing over the *Rainbow Bridge to the Spiritual Plane.
This dimension is full of great beauty and balance. It is alive with color and sound…totally vibrant. Does your body vibrate with vitality? Is your Soul happy to be home? What does your Soul’s home look like to you? Do you feel like opening your arms to embrace your Soul community?
Play the song “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” by Israel Kamakawiwo’ole (Izzy).
While the music is playing, you can pick up your scarf and move to the music,
as an expression of joy and celebration at your homecoming.
Then see your Soul, golden in color, merging with the golden light of all the other Souls you see around you. These are your beloved brother and sister Souls reuniting!
Say the following mantra 3 times.
“We are One Soul. One heartbeat. One breath. We are Divine, and In our Divinity, we are completely free.”
Prepare to continue your journey upwards to the next dimension.
Pick up your singing bowl, chime or bell, strike it once, and return it. To move the energy, pull it in an upwards motion with your hands, in one continuous stroke from your feet to above your head, ending with your palms together. This symbolizes breaking through to the next dimension, the Monadic Plane.
The Monadic Plane – 6th Dimension – You have now entered the plane of brilliant Light…pure energy. Within that magnificent Light is the Creative Intelligence behind all creation, which we refer to as the Monad.
Visualize this Being in a form you are comfortable connecting with, such as an Angelic Being of electric blue light, a luminous star, a Lord/Goddess or ?
You see Light all around you, and in that Light you see the Creative Intelligence taking form. As you gaze upon the One, you and your Soul recognize that you both are part of this great Being.
Listen to the following music: “I Am Light” by India Arie. (Note that the phrase “I AM” encompasses ALL).
Next pick up your wand, pointing it upwards, and say the following mantra 3 times:
Return your wand and take a deep breath. You’re ready to meet the Monad!
Meeting the Monad
Visualize you and your Soul stepping through the doorway of the Monad’s sacred chamber, where the Monad is awaiting you.
What do you feel within your heart at meeting this great Creative Intelligence?
The Monad looks deeply into your eyes. A sense of Oneness and wonder is in the air!
Place your hands over your heart for a moment, then open your arms outward. Visualize expanding your heart with gratitude and appreciation for having this time with the Monad.
The Monad lovingly greets you, giving you your own special message.
Ring your bowls, chimes or bells in Celebration!
Congratulations, you have completed Step Two’s JOURNEY TO HEAVEN and have now met the Monad. Now is a good time to take a few moments to contemplate any experiences you had during the Journey to Heaven ceremony.
If you worked in a group this would be a good time to share with each other. If you worked alone now is a good time to take a few moments to journal what you experienced.
In Step Three’s Return Journey, we will work more closely with the Monad, as we request It’s help and support in manifesting magic.
The following four Angels are of the Angelic Kingdom, and have been called upon in ancient Hermetic traditions. They work to connect heaven and earth for humanity.
Chequetet – pronounced (Cheh – keh – tet’).
Arelich – pronounced (Ah – reh – lick’)
Vomalities – pronounced Voe – mah – lie’ – tis)
Laumilgan – pronounced (Lah uhm – eyel’ – gahn), an angel of the mind that sets us free.
Monad – the Divine Consciousness, the Creative Intelligence of the Universe, our Father in Heaven, the One who supplies the power of our creations.
Rainbow Bridge – that which connects Heaven and Earth, or Spirit and Body
Will energy – a focused intention the Soul uses to direct energy
Void – a dimension of seemingly nothingness, considered as a concept without physical forms, dark matter