The Magical Process of Mental Creation
for A Better World
In this second step of the Magical Process of Mental Creation, we invite you to join us on an experiential journey. We will make this journey using the magical power of our IMAGINATION, as discussed in Step One. It’s a fantastic journey through dimensions of time and space, to meet the Higher Intelligence we also talked about in Step One. Once there, we may make a request, and receive something of value in return.
Throughout history, we humans have shown our courage and curiosity as we boldly traveled to far-off places, not knowing what we would find. This love of exploration and discovery seems to be in our very DNA.
Having ALIGNED with our Soul in Step One, we are able to make this journey now in Step Two. We would not be able to do this without having first connected with our Soul. It is our Soul that will take us on this journey. It is up to us to make the choice to go. Our Soul will only do this if we ask it to.
This journey begins on the ground, where we stand side by side with our Soul. Using the power of our MIND and IMAGINATION, we will travel with our Soul from this point up through three higher levels, or dimensions, of reality.
We use the word “dimensions” to define planes of existence found at higher levels of vibration, beyond our usual senses and awareness. Scientific theory tells us that everything in the universe is in a constant state of vibration, and that the energy and frequency at which something vibrates, determines its form and characteristics. Because the substance composing these upper dimensions has a higher vibrational frequency, it’s less dense and less visible than our earthly physical plane. Just as the substance of the air is different than the substance of a rock, so too are these dimensional aspects of our extended reality. In our journey, we are going to travel through them, expanding our horizons as we explore.
Our journey takes us up three dimensions to the plane where Higher Intelligence resides. Like taking the yellow brick road to the Emerald City, we make the journey to seek our heart’s desire, and put forth a request for it. Just as the lion went in search of its courage, so too we might seek courage to rise above something in life; or we might seek knowledge or understanding, or whatever else we may feel we need. As we described in Step One, this Higher Intelligence looks down to us, from high in the sky; wanting to help, but unable to reach us. In Step Two, we make the journey up, via our Soul, to reach It.
We now prepare ourselves to make the journey up to the higher planes. You may want to do this while sitting in a comfortable position so that your body is relaxed and at ease while you travel with your mind. Again, it’s our Soul that will take us on this journey. All we need do is choose to come along.
Take a moment to check in with yourself. How do you feel about making this journey? Are you ready to explore and potentially discover?
Remember, the Soul will get us there, but it is the power of our personal will that is needed to ignite the process. It is our choice to make the journey and our decision to see it through that takes us up off the ground and drives us aloft to our destination.
We can feel a sense of adventure and excitement build as we make our choice. Are we ready to launch? If so, let’s go.
We feel ourselves begin to lift off the ground with quiet propulsion. We seem to be taking off on a force of light. We see the great expanse of sky above as the earth drops away below. We glimpse a cone-like channel opening up ahead, reaching far up into the sky. Within the channel, we see the bands of different dimensions coming into view; stacked like layers, one on the other. It’s similar to the idea of riding an elevator up the floors of a multi-story hotel. At the far end of the channel, where the penthouse would be, is a field of brilliant electric blue. It’s certainly a magnificent sight! Our excitement rises.
We set our course right up through this channel towards the field of blue. As we lift higher and higher, we feel lighter and freer. We’re taking off . . . leaving physical limitation behind. The heavy downward pull of earthly life begins to fade away as the atmosphere thins.
Suddenly, we hear a tone in our mind and sense a shift in our space. The sky around us has changed. The earth feels very far away. We have broken through the blanket of the earth’s atmosphere, passing through a membrane of sorts between planes. We have entered the next dimension. . . the void of space. We sense an immediate change.
We find ourselves floating in a dark space which seems to be motionless. On earth, we are used to feeling the force of gravity under our feet, but that feeling is now gone. We seem to be here somehow without anything to support us, and that is a really strange feeling. What is this space?
We are now in the mysterious dimension we call the Void. The Void is a section of the journey we need to cross to get to our destination, and our Soul will safely take us through it. We can think of this dimension as being like “outer space”. It appears there is nothing there. And quite literally, there are no shapes, no sounds, no forms, no lights, no resistance. . . nothing it would seem, except what science today calls “dark matter”. The theory of dark matter is hard to define, but it is hardly “nothing”. It’s considered the “raw material” of substance. It just hasn’t been organized into anything yet.
As we travel through the Void, you may want to quiet your mind and try to tune in. The Void is actually full of all kinds of energy impulses, flowing through it like currents in the sea. Do you sense anything as we glide along? Any sensations, feelings, or thoughts? In the Void we can “pick up” senses of things that we might call intuition*. In fact, the name of this dimension is the Plane of Higher Intuition.
The fluid and flowing nature of this plane eases our way as we quietly glide through it. We cannot see where we are, or how far it is to the next dimension up. But we should be getting close to it now. . . just about through the nothingness of the Void. We reach out with our senses to see if that is true. And before you know it, we hear another tone and sense another shift, and suddenly we break through the next membrane to the next dimension! We have made it through the Void! We pause for a moment to look around and what we see takes our breath away. The landscape has completely changed. This is a very different space and place!
What meets our eyes is a world of great beauty. Everything here glows warmly in an aura of light. The lush landscape is filled with vibrant sights and sounds. All of the forms and features we see are wonderfully alive and magically active. Beautiful colors are everywhere, and the colors have sound! Harmonious sounds ring out all around, and the sounds have color!
Not only are we amazed by what we see, but also what we feel. We feel such joy! We feel so free! We feel lighter, clearer, and unlimited in what we can do here. Gone is the sense of confusion and chaos from down on the ground. Gone is the sense of nothingness from traveling through the Void. Instead, we find ourselves in a dreamworld where we would love to live! We feel vital and alive. We feel total ease and peace. We feel no limitation or fear. What is this fabulous place?
We have just entered the Spiritual Plane, the realm and the home of our Soul. It’s a place of beauty and balance, harmony and peace. It is the world of our dreams, where we can imagine the kind of world we would want to create on the planet. It may even be our collective human goal to do that very thing.
The Spiritual Plane is the birthplace of IMAGINATION, that magical quality that is the origin of all manifested things. Could it be that what we are wanting to do is to create a little piece of the “heaven” we see up here, back down on the earth?
Our Soul is right there with us, as we try to take it all in. We feel its delight in being here and sharing all this with us. We see the smiling faces of other Souls waving their greetings as we pass by. We feel such a part of everything here, like we fit right in and belong. It would be great to stay here forever, but we know this is only a stop along the way. We must keep moving.
We look ahead. The next band of the next dimension comes into view. We know this is the place we’re heading to reach the furthest point of our journey. Here we will meet Higher Intelligence in its sacred chamber.
The plane we are about to enter is a plane of Light. It’s beyond the material. It’s just Light, pure energy, brilliant Light. But in that Light, there is a very high state of Intelligence. In fact, this is the Intelligence behind all creation. We may have thought such a level as this would be unapproachable and beyond our reach. But just the opposite is true. Not only is this Intelligence open to connect with us, It has been waiting for us to come. And soon our Soul will deliver us there.
As we reach this dimension, the Monadic plane, we take a deep breath and prepare ourselves. We hear the now familiar tone and sense the now familiar shift as we cross the membrane into this highest level of our journey. Immediately we sense the momentous energy of this electric environment. We are immersed in a field of magnificent Light. Anticipation runs high.
What are we here to find? What is this Higher Intelligence?
The Intelligence that resides in this high dimension has been called by many names and described in many ways. God. Source. The Divine. The Great Architect. For our purposes, we will use the term “Monad”, which denotes the One (totality) from which all things come forth. It is the creating force behind everything in our universe.
We have come to the plane of the Monad* because we want to work more closely with this creative force. We want the opportunity to use it to better our life expression in the world. We become aware that we are intended to use and direct this energy in this way, and we have the right to be supported in doing that. We come to the Monad with a purpose. We come to have a conversation, to share our hopes and wishes, and to make a request for support.
We might say that going to the Monad as being a bit like going to the bank. Imagine you have a project you want to do and it needs funding. Think of the Monad as an energy bank to whom you apply for the investment. If you have your project plan in order (you are clear on what you want) and you have enough credit in your account (your heart is in the right place), the Monad will grant you the funding you seek and wish you well with your goal.
What will the Monad be like?
The Monad is essentially an energy, but it will take on a form so you can relate to it, appearing any way you would like. For some it could appear as a god-like figure on a throne, or a sharp dressed man in a business suit, or even a simple shining star. Whatever it might look like is personal to each of us. But for many of us, the Monad is like a great Father figure who is wise, caring, and benevolent. Like a good parent, the Monad guides and advises, but refrains from telling us how we must be and what we must do. It allows us to follow our path. It respects us unconditionally and does not judge. It is there for us and has our back.
How do you feel about meeting the Monad? If you feel ready, let’s go.
As we look in to the beautiful Light, we see the sacred chamber forming before us. This feature can be imagined in any way you choose to see it.
As we approach the entryway, your Soul takes your hand. You step through the doorway together. The Monad is waiting inside.
“Thank you for coming to see me” says the Monad, extending a hand in greeting. “Tell me why you have come and what it is that you seek.”