The Magical Process of Mental Creation
for A Better World
Welcome! We thank you for considering experimenting with our project. Each person will experience it differently, and that’s fine, as we are all unique individuals.
The following rituals include physical and visualization activities that you can perform. We share what we have done and what worked for us, however, the ritual can be adapted to your liking. The ritual is meant to enhance your thought and intensify your vision of what you want to manifest. Your focused purpose and your intention creates your experience. What do you want to manifest?
The old way of doing ritual was by submission to a greater power, or perceived higher power, in order to create. In the New Age rituals, that same greater power helps us to create what we want.
Magic is in the mind and what one thinks. That is the basis of magic (ritual) in the New Age, which helps us to manifest faster. In fact, doing a ritual everyday increases and enhances your thought power and magic.
The following can be done at your own pace. We suggest that you digest or process your thoughts and experience after each ritual, maybe even take notes.
Doing the following rituals in the sequence given may work best in your manifesting process. You can always repeat a ritual if you like, or feel free to change the repeated ritual also.
After reading through the theory portion of Step One, we invite you to participate in an Experiential Journey or Ritual with us.
The purpose of this Journey or Ritual is threefold: to help re-establish our memory of Soul; to help us get in touch with the feeling aspect of our Soul; and to realize that we are the Soul.
It’s important to note that your Soul expresses through your nervous system, and communicates to you through your feelings. As you perform the ceremony, your Soul can be sensed through opening yourself to each of the steps.
This ritual can be done individually or with a group. Self-empowerment and creativity are key to the experience. You create it through the choices you make, and any creative processes you use can enhance your connection to Soul. The Soul expresses itself through creativity.
We have some suggested options to choose from, or you can choose your own options, but we do suggest that you note your choice prior to starting, as it is important that once the Ritual starts, the energetic flow is not interrupted. It definitely helps to read through this before beginning.
If you’re working as a group, choose someone to facilitate, so that each segment is synchronized. The facilitator guides by reading each segment out loud. Some statements the group reads together.
The ritual can take place indoors or outdoors…wherever you feel comfortable. We really love being out in nature while performing them! For now, we ask that you stand in a circle, as it symbolizes equality and unity. Everyone can see each other and connect with each other.
We lay down a piece of cloth, and on it we place stones or crystals or any object we consider important. We find it more powerful to add items that represent the mineral, plant, animal, and human kingdoms.
We will sometimes add flowers, ribbons, scarves, and sacred geometric shapes that represent the balance of the energies. We invite you to use your imagination to personalize your Sacred Space in any way that you would like.
For today’s journey or ritual, we invite you to add a *circle, a triangle, and an infinity symbol made of materials of your choice to your sacred space.
We also had fun using a wand in our ritual process, which we used for moving and directing energy. You might enjoy this too, either using a pre-made one, or creating one. Wands can be made of just about any material, and can be plain or decorated. Your choice!
Compass Directions
Locate the four cardinal directions of your sacred space (East, West, North, and South), and place an object in your space representing each of the directions. Many native cultures believe the four directions represent different stages of life: birth, youth, adult (or elder), and death. They feel a deep connection to the earth, the natural cycles of life, and the spiritual forces that guide and protect them. That is why we like to use them in ritual.
We ask you to choose a suggestion below, or one of your own, to be used in Part One, with regard to the four directions.
- Raise arms with open hands.
- Create any geometric shape in front of you using your hands.
- Wave a long colorful scarf in circles over your head.
- Use your wand to make geometric shapes in the air.
We placed the following items in our Sacred Space, prior to the start of our journey:
A wand and a small glass of water in front of each participant.
A single candle and something to light it with, or a battery-operated candle works just fine.
A symbol representing the Sun, a Crescent Moon, and one representing them combined. If you’re feeling creative, drawing and coloring them, or printing a picture of each of them and coloring them is not only fun, but engages you in a shared activity that represents a collective empowerment.
A singing bowl, chime, or bells.
Music – We love using music to uplift and inspire our Souls. We ask you to choose one piece of music for Part Four and designate someone to have it ready to play when needed.
The following are suggestions:
- “Attende Domini” – Gregorian chant.
- The Tenors – “Lead with your Heart.”
- “Mother Earth Song” As One ~ Artist: Denean (Native American).
(these can be found on YouTube)
Chant – We also love to use chants or mantras in our ceremonies. We ask you to choose a chant that you find inspirational, and write it ahead of time on the line in Part Four.
The following are suggestions:
- I am exactly where I need to be.
- All healing comes from within.
- The next step is always being revealed to me.
- I know I am loved and supported as I move throughout my day.
Trust the Process
Trust the process! If you follow this magical creative exercise in order, finishing each part before proceeding to the next, you will enhance your power.
It’s important to commit 20-30 minutes uninterrupted time. This is your opportunity to connect to your Upper or Higher Self.
Words underlined with an asterisk symbol (*) before it, are listed in the back glossary.
Graphics for steps 3 and 5 are located after the glossary.
If you can’t stand for the entire 20-30 minutes, feel free to sit on a chair with your feet placed inside the sacred space throughout the ritual.
Okay, enough background information! Are you ready to begin?
Let’s begin with setting the space
With your wand, make arm/hand movements of a circle, triangle, and/or infinity symbol as you walk three times around the outer perimeter of the circle. This exercise helps to harmonize our individual energy with the collective energy, and emphasizes unity and mutual support.
Stepping into the sacred space, set down your wand pointing to the center.
Taking 3 deep breaths, visualize filling your lungs with light. Imagine if you will, each in-breath’s light permeating and cleansing your body, and each exhale releasing old energies you no longer need.
Then take another deep breath in, and as you exhale, intone Om (sounds like ohm). Because three is a magic number, we Om 3 times. Can you feel the energy of the vibration expanding with each one?
Say the following with conviction: “I call upon the Dynamic Forces of Spirit to reveal the Mysteries of my Soul.”
To Acknowledge the Four Directions
Starting with the East, and moving clockwise, face each direction while doing your chosen option. Do you think of your action as moving the energy? Do you feel a deeper connection with earth? Or?
Ending statement: “The Force Is with Us!”
Pick up your glass of water. Visualize blessing the water while saying:
“I respectfully express my appreciation and gratitude for this water. I am like a drop of water in the ocean…and ALL Souls are the ocean.”
Choose either Option #1 using the four forces, or Option #2 using compass directions for offering the water:
Option # 1. Using the four forces…Father Sky, Mother Earth, Grandfather Sun, and Grandmother Moon. Stand in place while making the following statements:
Father Sky – Raise your water to the sky and visualize all of Humanity, feeling your connection to them. Pause and then say:
“With a sense of community, I share this water in gratitude.”
Mother Earth – Lower your water down towards the earth and feeling thankful for Nature’s gifts. Pause and then say:
“I share this water in appreciation.”
Grandfather Sun – Hold your water to the right of you, visualizing universal peace. Pause and then say:
“I share this water in peace.”
Grandmother Moon – Hold your water to the left of you, feeling cosmic love. Pause and then say:
“I share this water in love.”
Ending statement: “And we are One!”
Drink your blessed water if you desire and return your glass to the sacred space.
Option # 2. Using compass directions, turn your body facing each direction, starting with the East and moving counter-clockwise. (East, South, West, North)
Make the following statements while offering the water.
Facing East – Visualize all of Humanity, feeling your connection to them. Pause and then say:
“With a sense of community, I share this water in gratitude.”
Facing South – Feeling thankful for Nature’s gifts. Pause and then say:
“I share this water in appreciation.”
Facing West -Visualize universal peace. Pause and then say:
“I share this water in peace.”
Facing North – Feeling cosmic love. Pause and then say:
“I share this water in love.”
Ending statement: “And we are One!”
Drink your blessed water if you desire and return your glass to the sacred space.
Creativity through Movement
With your wand, you can trace each symbol vertically in front of yourself at heart level. Pause between each of the symbols, and between the chant you’re doing.
Trace your wand in the shape of circle saying the following chant.
“I bring forth the symbol of the circle to represent Spirit, wholeness and perfection. The circle is eternal, there is no beginning, no ending.”
Trace your wand in the shape of a triangle saying the following chant.
“I bring forth the symbol of the triangle to represent the Trinity of Father, Mother, and Child.”
Trace your wand in the shape of an infinity symbol saying the following chant.
“I bring forth the infinity symbol to represent a sense of simplicity and balance. The infinity symbol is forever limitless.”
Ending statement:
“We are born out of creativity, and in turn, we are inspired to create. Create We Will!”
As you return your wand to the sacred space, did you notice any difference with these movements using the different symbols?
Have your chosen music, chant and singing bowl ready.
With respect to your sacred heart
Light the candle.
Play your chosen piece of inspirational music. You can energize it with your vibration through visualization and movement. See yourself opening your throat center by humming or singing along, and swaying or dancing.
Say your chosen chant, and repeat it three times, pausing in-between.
Write your chant on the line below:
Ring a singing bowl, chime, or bell three times.
Ending statement: “We stand in balance and harmony!”
If you are working individually, assume the role of the *Personality (Crescent Moon), and hold the symbol of the Moon in your left hand. Then shift your perspective and speak as the *Soul (Sun), holding the symbol of the Sun in your right hand. Visualize them having a conversation with each other while saying the skit out loud.
If you’re working with a group, choose one person to speak for the Crescent Moon and another to speak for the Sun, each holding their respective symbol in the hand as explained above.
Try to creatively become your Soul as you speak this, thus opening up the energy further.
This is an integrative step, and when you take on the role, this is where you fully embrace yourself as the Soul.
Affirming my Soul’s purpose
Crescent Moon – Why am I even here?
Sun – Earth is a school of sorts. You’re here to learn about yourself, your relationship to others, and to the Earth. The entire Earth experience is a process of self-discovery.
Crescent Moon – I don’t feel good about myself. I feel worthless…I sometimes wonder, what’s the use?
Sun – You’re not alone in these feelings. It might help to think about yourself in a different way. Think about your positive qualities…in other words, what you know to be good about yourself, and put your attention on those. We attract to ourselves what we focus on. This is called *The Law of Attraction. Think of things that you could do for others and do them. This gives you a sense of purpose and satisfaction, and you may start to feel more worthy. Start simply, and go from there. Remember to do positive things for yourself too.
Crescent Moon – Why should I even care? I just want to do what I want to do.
Sun – We all have the choice to do, say, and think as we wish. Here again, if you put your focus on caring for yourself, as well as others, you might find joy and happiness in your life. Consider making a declaration or mantra that you do care…such as “I find happiness in caring about myself and others.” Give it a try!
Crescent Moon – I’m not an important person anyway. I don’t see what it matters what I think. I’m only one person, and one person doesn’t matter.
Sun – I assure you dear friend, that you are very important…and you are necessary. Think of that seemingly insignificant drop of water in the ocean. Every single drop of water is not the whole ocean, yet it contains within itself the same qualities and attributes of the ocean. Each human being is like that drop of water. Together, we are all a part of the whole.
Crescent Moon – I never thought of it that way before. I can see now that I could be like a single drop of water in the ocean, and my life has as much meaning as everyone else’s. Now it feels more real to me.
The individual/facilitator reads the following sentence out loud:
Accepting that these two divine aspects, represented by the Sun and Crescent Moon, are in reality One, all make the following statement.
“I accept my duality – I am both.”
Return the symbols to the sacred space, and pick up the combined sun/moon symbol.
Make the following heartfelt statement out loud. Visualize your face on the combined Sun and Crescent Moon while holding that image in your hand.
“In recognition that I AM a representative of both the Sun and Crescent Moon, I willingly declare the following: I ___________ open my eyes to the Light of my Soul, and I willingly cooperate with its purpose, thus fulfilling our destiny.”
Ending statement:
“Together, my Soul and I, can create Heaven on Earth!”
Speak the following out loud and visualize stepping into your Soul’s light.
“From this moment in time,
I align myself with my Soul
and its purpose.
From this moment in time,
I remember I am never alone.
I am One with my Soul.
From this moment in time,
Soul and I are more than
I ever imagined possible.”
Ending statement: “Together we are One!”
Visualize standing in the Light of your Soul while making the following statements from your heart.
“I now see through the Eyes of my Soul.
I now live through the Light of my Soul.
I now Shine Forth as my Soul.
I say yes, my Soul says yes, and Spirit says yes!”
In our closing circle, we invite everyone to join hands and recite this closing chant:
“We proclaim, now is the time to live in the Light of my Soul. So Be It!”
We now end the ritual, sealing it with three Oms.
Congratulations, you have completed Step One’s Alignment with Soul Ritual. It may be helpful to take a few moments to write down any impressions or insights you have received.
Feel free to perform this ritual more than once, or design it to your liking. Perhaps each time you may get different insights. We find that every ceremony has a different vibration.
In the next Step Two, Journey to Heaven, we reach up to the Higher Planes, or Heaven, via our Soul, to meet the Monad.
What we are thinking, we will attract. Since we are thinking beings, and since Creative Mind (The One, Source, God, Goddess, or whatever you wish to call It) receives our thought, and cannot stop creating, It must always be creating something for us. What It creates depends upon what we are thinking and what we put our attention on.
Characteristics, patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that make a person unique.
The human ego.
SOUL/SUN in the skit ~
The names Spirit and Soul are synonymous, and can be thought of as a person’s divine or invisible side, as opposed to the human ego’s personality or physical side. It is often likened to the “conscience,” that little voice in the back of one’s mind when they’re contemplating an action.
The circle represents Spirit, wholeness and perfection. It is eternal, and has no beginning or ending.
The triangle represents the three elements of our Being that need to be balanced so that we can find harmony and wisdom. It is often used to represent a path towards a higher state of “Being.”
Some of the three elements are:
Mind, Body, Spirit
Past, Present, Future
Mother, Father, Child
Mental, Physical, Emotional
The infinity symbol represents a sense of simplicity and balance. It reminds us to be conscious of where we are and the endless possibilities we have before us. It is forever limitless.