Author: Colleen Akkerman
Since my presentation is on water, I decided to start with a few clever water jokes.
The first one is “Why did the ocean break up with the pond?
It’s because the ocean thought the pond was too shallow.”
“How do you make Holy water?
You make sure to boil the hell out of it.”
“What does a raindrop say?
Two’s company, threes a cloud.”
My intent and purpose in this presentation is to discuss the benefits and qualities of water. There are 3 words in my entire presentation which are the most important…and they are WATER IS LIFE!!!
Water is critical to the life of all plants, animals and humans, and…our beloved mother earth. Without it, life can not and does not exist.
Water covers approximately 71% of the earth’s surface, and it’s the very foundation of the human organism, since we are approximately 75 – 80% water.
The human brain is about 75% water…its the lubricant of the nervous system, and is essential in connecting mind and body. Water is a perfect conductor of electrical energy. It actually plumps up the myelin sheathes that cover the neurons, which conduct electricity, allowing proper communication as they carry messages from our brain to different parts of our body.
Water gives the brain the electrical energy for all brain functions, including thought and memory processes. Since your brain doesn’t have a way to store water, it’s super important that we drink water throughout the day. Our brain health depends on it.
The human heart is composed of 73% water, and a hydrated heart is able to pump blood more easily, allowing the muscles in one’s body to work better.
Water makes up 90% of our blood plasma, and it’s the blood that carries oxygen to different parts of our bodies. Water also surrounds all our DNA and protein chains. As babies in the womb, we float in amniotic fluid, made up of water from our mother’s body.
Water is the great cleanser…inside and out. It quenches our thirst and we drink it to help maintain and balance our bodily fluids. So much depends on the function of those fluids… including digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, waste removal, lubrication of our joints and organs. As mentioned before, water has a positive effect on our brain, spinal cord, and all other sensitive tissues, and it helps to regulate our body’s temperature.
We bathe in it to stay clean. Our tears lubricate our eyes, and wash away harmful irritants. And did you know that we have emotional tears that have a different chemical composition? It’s true…when we’re experiencing emotional stress, and we cry…those tears have a higher concentrate of protein-based prolactin, and a neurotransmitter is produced as a painkiller.
Anyway, enough of the biology lesson. Honestly, our bodies are so amazing, and obviously water plays a very important role in keeping them healthy.
We love to immerse ourselves in its sights and sounds…this brings to mind a trip to Canada and Niagara Falls. I’d never been there before, and was totally amazed by it. Several years later, I can still bring to mind the thunderous roar of the water crashing over Horseshoe Falls…feeling the intense power of it. Seeing the mist rising, and feeling it on my face…and seeing the crystal clear water with that beautiful turquoise color as it went over the falls. That turquoise is one of my favorite colors. It was an experience I’ll never forget.
I want you to close your eyes just for a moment. If you’ve ever seen the ocean, think about the waves crashing against the rocks. Think about how it made you feel. Could you smell the salty ocean water? Did it make you feel alive? Or did the rhythm of it put you in a meditative state? Did you feel contemplative? Did you feel inspired? Did this experience move you at all? You can open your eyes whenever you’re ready to.
Moving water has great power. Our astral emotional bodies really vibrate to it and are accelerated by it, giving us the power to manifest our desires. It motivates our creativity and connectedness.
We also enjoy the feel of water…like when we take a drink of it when we’re thirsty…when we swim in it, or dip our hands or toes in it…or when we go for a walk in a gentle rain and feel it falling upon our faces…it seems to energize us. Likewise, it can calm and sooth us, like when we listen to the waves gently lapping on the shore.
Water has many qualities:
It is relentless in that it never stops exerting its force. This force is a manifestation of its nature…it just doesn’t give up. I think there’s a spiritual lesson here…and that is for us to keep moving forward…to not give up.
Water is opportunistic. When it’s restricted in any way, it seeks the weakest spot, and applies force until it is free. Given even the slightest opening, it will pass through, and it will widen that opening if possible.
It always moves in the path of least resistance.
Despite being the most yielding substance, it can cut through mountains. This is proof of its relentlessness. It just keeps on exerting its force. It keeps on keeping on!
Also, water doesn’t try to be something it isn’t. It just is. It doesn’t complain about the path it follows…it just simply follows the path. It goes with the flow…that flexibility is something that we can practice in our daily lives too.
Water has a wide range of expressions. It can be rain or snow, or ice, or steam, fog, or vapor…and yet it continues to be water. It is the epitome of metamorphosis, and it can be recycled.
It can be gentle or pounding, or sluggish, or fast. It can nurture life and it can also destroy life…we’ve seen the destructive force of floods, hurricanes, and Tsunami’s. Water has a dualistic nature. Now that sounds familiar, doesn’t it?
Its greatness cannot be measured. When a river flows through the land, it nurtures all living things that it comes across, and then moves on without waiting for recognition or praise.
It nurtures and gives to all unconditionally! Every one of us benefits from water… regardless of who we are. Water passes no judgement on anyone, and makes no selection based on preconceived values.
Could we learn from water in this regard?
Just think if we were to let go of our judgements, and treated everyone with respect, appreciation, and acceptance, what a better world this would be.
Water takes on the form in which it is held, be it a glass, a tub or swimming pool, a lake or river, and most importantly to us…it takes on the form of our bodies.
In the Tarot, water is symbolized by the suit of cups, and is symbolic of emotion, intuition, and the interconnected flow of energy between all living things. What happens under the surface of water is a mystery to the unaided eye…much like our human emotions. If we dive beneath the surface of our feelings, we can become aware of what the emotion is, and come to a better understanding of ourselves. We have been taught that once we are aware of what the emotion is, we can acknowledge it, name it, and let it go…allowing healing to take place.
People build dams to harness and control water, making it possible to form artificial lakes or reservoirs. The stored water can be used to generate electricity, or to supply water for homes and industries, for irrigation or for navigation.
Because water is essential to life, a lot of energy has been focused on meeting the water needs for a rapidly growing population, and yet we still struggle to meet basic sanitation levels for so many people in the world.
In comparison, less energy has gone into planning for the conservation and sustainable use of our precious water reserves. This is a huge dilemma given how important water is to our survival. We can be thankful that the Age of Aquarius is upon us, bringing with it a focus of sustainability and cooperation, where we will be inspired to educate ourselves and move forward with a sense of common purpose…to better the world. And taking care of our water resources is a biggie.
As I was working on this presentation, I realized just how much I care that everyone in the world has access to clean water, and my desire is that all humans can awaken to a new respect and appreciation towards water.
It has been proven that water molecules respond to intentions and sounds. Dr. Masaru Emoto of Japan has done experiments with water, claiming that human consciousness can affect the molecular structure of water. He photographed thousands of water crystals throughout his years of research, and found that the most beautiful crystals were the ones that were formed from being told words, such as “I love you” or “I am grateful for you”. His experiments gave us evidence of the magic of life affirming words and positive thinking.
Check out his video…an experiment in gratitude. (Masaru Emoto’s Experiment in Gratitude – 1:30).
You can see that human thoughts, words, and intentions do alter physical reality, so it is very important to be aware of what you think and say about yourself and others.
Because both our bodies and earth contain so much water, if we express our love, gratitude, and appreciation to them, we can change their molecular structure for the better…and life is always about evolving and making things better!
Alexander Lauterwasser, is a German researcher and photographer who based his work on the field of Cymatics, which studies sound vibration and shows the patterns these vibrations manifest in different mediums. There are two videos worth looking at where he used water as the medium.
The first video shows water images produced by the mellow vibrations of a gong. Notice how the pattern changes throughout the video. (Water Sound Images of a Gong by Alexander Lauterwasser – 3.37)
This next video shows images produced by the music of Bach’s Toccata, which is quite chaotic music. You will definitely be able to see the difference between the two sound vibrations…and it’s good to realize that different types of music affect your body in different ways. I think that’s why hard rock is not necessarily good for your body, although I was reading a report that said it helped people to get their anger out, so that they’re not holding it in. Anyway, have a look! (Alexander Lauterwasser – Bach toccata – water sound images).
Cymatics is a fascinating subject and if you want to see more experiments like these, check out YouTube…there’s a lot of material available.
Final words of wisdom:
If there is no motion in the direction you want to go, from the place you want to go…find the place you can go, and keep going!!!
And remember…Water is Life!!!